Thursday, July 30, 2009

3 Steps To Super-Affiliate Success

I've just this minute finished redesigning the Lotto Affiliate Center web pages to make your affiliate life simpler and more productive (again!)

You'll love this...

I isolated just 3 powerful Steps for success with my products.

Then I broke down the best ways of starting a growing affiliate fortune into tiny micro-steps, and made them even easier to use.

So at the top of the main webpage at you'll see three boxes: STEP 1, STEP 2, STEP 3.
  • 1) - Click on Step 1 and follow the easy 1 minute instruction.
  • 2) - Then click on Step 2 to start your automated income.
  • 3) - Then go to Step 3... the 10 minute power step.

That's all you have to do to start today.

It's real simple.

You only need do Step 3 over again, for as long as you like. Or add more steps from my other Lotto Affiliate Center pages if you want some variety.

But I would stick with this simple 1-2-3 formula... and just keep doing these simple steps until you're a millionaire!

Go to Step 1 here:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No More Mail

Today I started removing most options for buying offline from my websites.

Should be finished today sometime.

That means I'm not accepting any more payments by Western Union, bank checks or postal notes. I still accept cash.

Mind you, these weren't a big deal in the past - payment by mail had dried up to less than a couple of letters a week. And usually these buyers didn't have credit cards, so there was no income loss to you as an affiliate.

But for me, it took an hour a week away from promoting my system.

And getting this time back is going allow me to spend more time on you.

As an affiliate of my system, your success is mine too. (Except you get 60% of every sale to 40% for me... you're the majority winner in this deal!)

I want to help you build your affiliate income like crazy - because the Silver Lotto System has more affiliate advantages than any other product I know:

- Over 30 separate products
- A system that works
- Almost no competition
- A world full of losing lotto players who want a winning answer.

And the silly advantage is how little you have to do.

You do nothing more than attract buyers to your affiliate link.

-NO customer hassles
-NO websites
-NO email

Just get traffic and drive them through your ClickBank Nickname link. This single action means that you can quickly become an expert in getting traffic, because that's all you have to do.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Simple Success Promise

This morning I bought two massive online marketing manuals.

They promised me untold wealth.

Oh hang on, I have untold wealth already :-)

Well OK, I was really buying these Bibles of Marketing to get some ideas for YOU.

It's part of my ongoing strategy to heap your dessert plate full of useful information.

So you can set up a successful online business - as well as win lotto.

Either way I'm going to help you win your battle against the dreaded J.O.B.

What you need is a bizness with constant Cashflow...

A Cashflow cashcow if you will...

And I'm going to reveal it to you in a minute.

But back to the books...

Unfortunately, these giant masterpieces of over 400 pages gave me little information that I didn't already know about already, or could pass on to you.

And they gave me something else too. A big headache.

You see, just trying to extract easy answers from these pages... to make them work in a simple business - was like trying to catch a greased pig in the rain.

I scratched my head. Why does a net business have to be so complex?

* Why are there so many steps?
* So many instructions?
* So many training videos and screenshots?
* Why are you making your own websites?..
* Writing your own newsletters?

Why do these geniuses assume we're geeks like them - and forget that we need 5 year's training to understand even their most basic ideas?

I was very disillusioned after I finished my readathon.

This unhappy buying experiment not only put a $297 dent in my wallet...

But it made me steaming mad.

Mad enough to sit down and write the following statement on yellow paper through gritted teeth and hissing breath with every word:

"I, Ken Silver, do Promise to Make
Internet Business a *Simple Success*
Process for Everyone."

And I stuck the post-it note on my computer so I'd never forget.

Now, I've started this process already with two of my products:

1). My Lotto Mini-Website. It's completely ready-made. You don't have to do anything except give me your ClickBank Nickname so I can set it up for you. Then you drive visitors to the completed site in the way I show you. Simpleness itself:

And I even help you grab visitors with my free 99 Ways traffic generating manual, "Free Traffic Revealed" bundled with it.

2). And to give you more hands-off happiness, there's my Lotto Traffic Builder. This clever system not only drives visitors to your Lotto Mini-Website, but makes sales for you as well:

Again, I do all the work. You do nothing except sit on your hands and cheer me on.

What do these two website products have in common?


They need NO skill, NO work, NO setup, NO ongoing maintenance.

And best of all, they both qualify for my Simple Success Promise.

There's just one problem.

The prices are too low and I'm swamped with orders. (Or maybe they're very popular because they work).

I'm taking a quick break to write you this newsletter, but in 5 minutes I have to get back to work to try and catch up on the backlog.

Yes, I'm doing the hard yards so you don't have to. But it takes a lot of time.

And it's aging me beyond my years :)

Since I can't outsource this work, I'll soon have to throttle down demand by putting the price up.

I'm still taking orders right now though, and thankfully I can see the queue of sites to do is getting shorter.

The Lotto Mini-Website has a lag of 3-4 days. If you get in the door real quick, yours may be finished sooner than that.

The Traffic Builder stands at 5-7 days. Ditto.

OK, pony up.

Choose your Simple Success Promise path now...

...the Lotto Mini-Website.

And the Lotto Traffic Builder.

Or buy both - they compliment each other to drive more traffic and more sales through your door.

And unless you've been sleeping under a bridge the last month or two, you'll know these are the best biznesses to go with.

Because these 2 websites are cleverly designed to sell the Silver Lotto range of over 30 products.

And a couple of days ago I put up your share of Silver Lotto products commission for the first time in 10 years: From half (50%) back then... to now a whopping 60%.

That means nearly two thirds of each sale goes into YOUR pocket! While I do all the work! (who's crazy here!)

Get started now.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Should You Do A Lottery Review Site?

It's tempting to put up a website to review the Silver Lotto System. But what could you say about it?

"It gets wins 8 from 10 games."
"It gets more wins more often."
"It's cheaper to buy than others."
"It reduces your outgoing costs per game."

Sure, each of these things are true enough, but they lack the real oomph that makes a review compelling.

And that's testimonials.

Let's say you won $100,000 last weekend (and a few of my Silverites have won this amount). Does this mean because you won once, the new reader looking for the top lottery program will be impressed?

Not really. One win is not enough to convince most people. They will disregard it... they'll say that it's chance, a fluke, a quirk of nature. And probably click away from your testimonial and ClickBank link without buying.

There are ways around this. You could add dozens - even hundreds of testimonies. The more you can produce, the better the system will appear.

Well, how?

You could either win hundreds of times (slow!), or use the testimonials from many happy winners on my site.

And since it might take a while to get your own, use mine! Your ClickBank link takes you straight to it.

This brings me to the next question about a review site. If you still want to put one up (and it is a great idea), what's going to make your review website work better?

This: Instead of doing a review site, do a Comparison Site.

Make comparisons between Silver Lotto and a number of other lottery systems for:
- price
- number of testimonials
- products offered
- set-up time
- complexity

I've got a basic comparison chart at the main Silver Lotto System site here: You can see how even a simple comparison makes life much easier for buyers.

Once you get a similar main chart going, you can add testimonials and other details. This will give your site more impact.

Don't make it too time-intensive for the reader though... remember, you want your prospects to click through your ClickBank Nickname link to the order form, and the quicker they do this the better.

So your site can be more sophisticated, have more selections, but you should still keep it short and effective. Take a look at my Powerball System site as a good example of a comparison site:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where To Start?

You're a new affiliate just starting out. Where do you go to from here?

Here's three simple steps that will get you on the way to affiliate success. All you need do is put in a little time after work each day.

The secret is doing a little each day.

Our home is large, but very tidy. I keep it that way not by doing a major clean-up each spring, but one small task each day. It might be brushing the cobwebs off one outside wall one day. Or washing a car the next. Polishing windows in one room the next.

It's important to keep persistently moving on one task each day to get ahead in your affiliate bizness. You'll look back in a few weeks and be amazed at how much you have accomplished.

Here's the steps for one task. Note that this is just one way to get started - there are many more. But let's keep it simple to start:

STEP #1. Get your ClickBank Nickname here.

STEP #2. Rewrite one of my articles here.

STEP #3. Post your article on 5 article sites here.

Rinse and repeat.

One task in one day.

And a few weeks later you'll be amazed at how much progress you've made.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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Friday, July 24, 2009

We're No.1 at ClickBank

The Silver Lotto System has been in the top 5 position at ClickBank for many years for keywords lotto or lottery. Most of the time we hit the top spot in popularity, as shown in this screenshot taken a few days back. Getting high on the search page in the ClickBank Marketplace is essential because that's where buyers look when they enter their keyword.

However it wasn't always this way. See this earlier post for why.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hype, Overselling, And Making The Match

Today I want to talk about returns. Or call them refunds.

Sadly, some 1-2% do return my system, and that's the lowest of any digital product I know - but it's often returned for a different reason than we think.

I'm not talking about the buyer who didn't understand the product, or the buyer who didn't receive the product.

I mean the buyer who was oversold.

And it generally happens when there isn't a MATCH between the buyer's expectations and the product. It is usually because:
  • - The product was promoted too hard ("This the BEST product I've EVER seen!!!! Everyone who buys it will win almost every time!!)
  • - There was a wrong emphasis somewhere, usually on price ("Every other lotto system sells for $100 and more - the Silver Lotto System is the cheapest you'll ever see anywhere...).
How do you prevent this happening?

First, make sure you are not over-promoting the Silver Lotto System's virtues. Yes, it probably is the most effective lottery system on the market - thousands of testimonials confirm that.

But saying that it is a guaranteed winning world-beater is doing your buyers a disservice.

Why do you need to be so careful? Because the buyer will quickly claim a refund when they see the product doesn't match up to the hype.

Here's the best way to avoid this problem:
  1. - Use my material. You don't need to write your own unless it's a real testimonial or you're a top-class copywriter. The best way is to rewrite my blog posts or newsletters ( By using my prewritten information you'll also save a lot of time and energy.

  2. - Funnel all your prospects into the main Silver Lotto System website as quickly as you can. Don't keep them on your own page for longer than you have to. Do this by sending traffic from newsletters or forum posts to your Lotto Mini-Website. My presell material does a better job than anything else and I've spent years honing it. Use it - don't reinvent the wheel!

  3. - Only make claims that I have substantiated. Don't try and rewrite different claims from my facts to make them sound better. Over-statement is often worse than under-statement.

PS. How are you enjoying your increased profit from my new 60% commission rate?

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today I'm Giving You A Raise

Your standard commission rate for my products is 50%.

As of a few minutes ago, I've put it up to 60%.

That means your share is now $21.57 (up from $17.98) for my standard $39.95 product, and $36.58 (up from $30.49) for the $67 Canadian special.

I'm doing this to give you greater incentive to promote the heck out of my products, because:
  • - they're top sellers.
  • - they have the lowest refund rates anywhere (less than 2%).
  • - they work, which means satisfied buyers.

And now I'm giving you a great commission.

Why am I upping the rate after nearly 10 years at 50%?

Simply, it's a bribe - I need you. I need your contacts, your lists potential, your websites, your skills and energy to make the Silver Lotto range among the top-selling lottery products on the planet.

In fact, I've never revealed this publicly before, but I want to triple sales by the end of 2010.

Sales have reached a million dollars right now. Now I want it times 3.

No small goal :)

When we achieve it, imagine the top $60k yearly commission sprouting to nearly $200,000 a year.

Your $2,000 a month growing to $6,000 a month.

This commission raise is just the start of a number of initiatives I have planned for you.

And I want your feedback... I want to know how I can help you achieve more and grow faster.
  • It may be a question on conversion - maybe you have a high visitor count but they're not converting into sales as you want. Let me know. I can look at your promotion and figure a better way for you.
  • Or maybe you need a banner in a certain design. I'll look at getting one made for you.
  • Do you need expert reviews on products that will help you grow?
Just let me know at: kensilver AT Put "Silver Seller" in the subject. That will get directly to me.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two Major Changes

Since my last post I've made two big changes that will affect your sales positively.

1. New Order Form offer & Double Money-Back Guarantee.
2. New Support Form

The Order Form is the last stage for a buying decision. So it's important to have the right offer to keep prospects moving through the buying chain (sounds so clinical put that way - I still think of my buyers as people though!).

One of the biggest motivators for selling is a limited time offer, and I've been able to combine this with a trial of my Double Money-Back Guarantee. But it's crucial that I keep checking that this offer doesn't run away on me with excessive returns, and so I do this checking process every 3 days.

That means prospects only have 3 days to make their order with any security and peace of mind. There's a countdown timer on the page to help them remember and impart some urgency. So far sales have been very good in the few hours this has been going.

Here's the site:

UPDATE: Returned to original Order page design because of dropping sales trend after launch. I will probably do an A/B Split test to confirm it later.

The second improvement is the new Support Form, aptly named I designed it to give more value to both prospects and buyers. In this first week I've seen personal inquiries drop by over 50%.

This drop is remarkable... it means that my Silverites are getting their answers faster - and I hope more thoroughly too - since the Support Form gives more information instantly.

Customer satisfaction is one of the major goals I've set for the next 6 months. I need to do this because as sales have grown, the ability to do everything myself is getting less.

Automation is the answer, but still with a personal touch. I have another idea for that side of things, and I'll let you know when that launches.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver
Lotto Affiliate Center

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Outrageous Lotto Offer Boosts Affiliate Commissions

Yesterday - after a lot of thought - I decided to finally go ahead with an idea I'd had a year or two back.

Essentially I wanted to offer a 3-month DOUBLE Money-Back Guarantee to my buyers.

My objective was to permanently double sales. I'll tell you how it went in a second...

I wasn't worried about the ability of my system to hold up to that extreme promise... it performs really well and has lived up to all the expectations I have for it since 1991.

I was more worried about being ripped off for millions :)

I launched it yesterday morning and I'm going to test it for a set time. Then I will check sales - and returns. If it all goes smoothly, I will make it a permanent offer.

How well did the launch go? Since introducing the offer once to around 85,000 readers on my mailing lists, I've tripled the average daily sales - and they're still climbing. Good start.

I'm explaining this to remind you - I'm always doing something to help boost sales for you.

A while back I rolled several products into one and gave a discount to the Canadian market. My figures over the last month showed that anyone promoting Canadian lotto's doubled their affiliate commission amount immediately!

Imagine seeing your $60k annual affiliate income suddenly become $120k. For doing nothing.

So I'm always on the lookout for ways to increase sales - because the more visitors we pull in, the more you earn.

But if you think I should be raising prices to get you more commission increases, I've got some very interesting information about that in a future newsletter which will knock your socks off!

Take a look at the Silver Lotto website ( for the Double Offer box - it's under the main headline. The newsletter offer is on the Lotto Life blog a couple of posts down.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

P.S. If you're not an affiliate yet, don't sit around wishing life were better. Get signed up now (for free) and start building your empire using the easy steps I show you here:

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ClickBank Glitch Gets Fixed Fast

I love ClickBank. Not only do they send me fast and convenient international transfers instead of a posted check (I qualify each week by doing over the minimum $1,000 of commission - many times that actually!) regularly as clockwork, but they take ALL the hassle out of sales payment and affiliate payments.

So I wasn't that upset after a regular checkup when I discovered that my Silver Lotto System was sitting right at the bottom of the categories in the Marketplace - instead of top place where it's been for the last 5 years or more.

I emailed them with the details, and bang - I was rightfully back up there in the clouds again at #1 position. (Don't get carried away... you can't do this with any other product unless all the misplacement facts are accurate).

High placement is an essential marketing strategy with ClickBank because buyers search by keyword and popularity, and usually look at the top choice. It's a gold position for many reasons, and one that's just going to get more permanent for the Silver Lotto System if I have anything to do with it!

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Life Is Simple..Mine Is Not

Compared to me, you've got it easy! Unlike me, you don't have to:
  • - develop products
  • - answer customer questions (sometimes up to 100/day!)
  • - solve download problems
  • - update products
  • - write newsletters (2 a day)
  • - write blog posts (2 a day)
  • - update websites (about 30, each with dozens of pages)
  • - promote your website
When I look at the 8 hour days I spend right now, I want to be like you and become an affiliate!

Because your life is simple by comparison. You only need find a way to send traffic to my websites.

One task. Easy.

You only need do the basics... and it's quick easy stuff that you can cram into a spare hour each night after work and the family has gone to bed.

Best of all, you are not alone. I supply you with all the resources to get ahead... websites, blogs, information. You select the profit avenue that you feel most comfortable with, and start applying it consistently.

Then, after maybe a week, maybe a month or two, your effort pays off. You are rewarded with a growing stream of visitors who pay you.

Remember the formula from a couple posts back? 100 visitors = 4 sales.

The biggest secret to getting visitors is rewriting my articles.

I suggest you concentrate solely on that form of traffic and visitor promotion for a number of reasons:
  1. It's simple and easy to do, just swapping words.
  2. I supply the articles - you write nothing.
  3. Write once - reap forever. Traffic and visitors keep growing because nothing gets lost on the net!
  4. There is a thirst for the kind of quality information I give. Piggyback on my success.
  5. Many top sales websites use this style of promotion. Remember the weight-loss success I wrote about a few posts back?
So what side of the fence would you prefer to be on... yours or mine? I've done all the hard work you need, now you can ride on my coat tails and start building some serious traffic and sales.

Best of all, it costs nothing but your time.

Take a look at the article section in the Lotto Affiliate Center to get started:

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Rewrite Robot

I last talked to you about rewriting my articles and sending them out to article directories. And it's probably the most profitable way to snowball your income you'll ever get.

While rewriting might be fun for you, it does take a little while. I mentioned you will probably be able rewrite one of my articles in 10 minutes or so.

But there is easier way... an automated program called Article Post Robot that makes many of the rewrite changes for you.

You simply write versions of the title and other key parts of your article - it will show you how.

Then Article Post Robot will rotate your article titles, summary, sentences in the article body, and allow you to use different author resource boxes. That means less chance of getting a duplicate content penalty.

And the best part - it will also post these different articles to hundreds of free high traffic sites and top article mailing list automatically.

While I could go on about the advantages, why not take a look yourself at the website. If you are serious about succeeding in my hugely profitable sector - which means that it can be hugely profitable for you too, as we share the profits 50/50 (UPDATE: I increased affiliate commission to 60% in July 2009) ... then go here:

The most important part of your affiliate business is volume. Volume in traffic is gained from volume in articles. Which gives you volume in sales.

Make volume work for you.

Here is the article section at the Lotto Affiliate Center:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rewrite And Reap

NOTE: This article is an advanced marketing step, but can be done easily by a first-time affiliate with no experience.
Requirements: Basic writing skills. Desire to make an affiliate fortune!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you're confused about what method you need to make an affiliate fortune - you're not alone.

There are thousands of experts out there wanting you to buy their expensive affiliate success books, DVD's or secret methods. They will tell you with earnest and persuasive copy how their system will accelerate your earnings in extraordinary ways.

Some might have the secret to a quick income. I've yet to find them though.

For example, one of the most popular ways to produce instant traffic (and remember - more traffic = more sales)... is Pay Per Click (PPC).

It's a pity that Google won't allow us to use PPC ads for lottery products.

But that's not a big problem, because there's a downside to PPC: it costs. You can spend $15 on Adwords and only get $20 back in sales. But not often. Most times you lose.

The big boys accept a low margin like this because they have thousands of dollars to throw at PPC daily. That's how you hear of the big figures they claim. They've spent $10,000 daily and got back $11,000. A thousand bucks a day profit, not bad - if you can do it.

Don't waste your time on that.

There are several other methods to attract the visitors you need without spending a cent.

But the one that is most effective - even today with millions of words being produced daily round the world - is article rewriting.

I want you to focus and concentrate on that method alone. Because it works:
  • - Rewriting is easy to do, and quick. All you need do is rewrite any of my 800 original articles on my blog in your own way, and submit them to article directories. How effective is this? Well, the $21 million weight-loss product I mentioned yesterday gets most of its 2 million visitors a month from articles. Thousands of them, plastered all over the planet, written by affiliates just like you.

  • It is a painless process because I've written everything for you. You just change my wording slightly and submit them through automatic submission bots. How hard can that be! And rewriting is fully legal because you have my permission.

  • - The more you rewrite, the more you make. You only need get 100 visitors to my websites to get 4 sales. Do the math... if you can rewrite 5 articles a day, that's 150 articles a month. Even if you stop there, and each article gets only 100 visitors a month, that's a potential 600 sales a month = $12,000/mth minimum. It can be very, very rewarding - even if you stop, because...

  • - Your work goes on forever, and so does the visitor flow. You rewrite an article once, and reap the reward many times because articles keep working for you effortlessly over the months and years ahead. On autopilot. So rewrite once and then forget. Easy.
There are full instructions about rewriting my articles in 10 easy steps here at the Lotto Affiliate Center.

Right now you should start getting those articles published to start the profit ball rolling.

The most important thing is to NEVER give up. Go slow if you have to. Take a break in the weekend if you must.

But focus and persist on your goal.

Plan on writing 1 article a day. As you get experienced (and it doesn't take long), plan to increase it to 2 articles a day after the first week.

Then increase volume slowly until you are rewriting 5 articles a day. It won't take long before your readership and visitor count snowballs.

The current 800 articles can each be rewritten multiple times, and I produce a new one each day. It's a constant stream that will never dry up!

Go now to the article section at the Lotto Affiliate Center now and get started:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Do You Need A Kick In The Pants?

Hey, what are your goals?

Are you content to make enough to supplement your job?

Or are you ambitious... do you want to shoot for the moon?

To get started on a roll, sometimes you need a kick in the pants - like I got a week back.

Because back then I came across a weight-loss website that in 2008 had sales of $21 million.

Not traffic. Not hits.

But a verified dollar amount of $21 million sales through ClickBank - the same merchant company you and I use.

I figure that gave them about $5-6 million in profit. For a website and product that probably only cost $200 to make.

Here's where this information kicked me in the butt...
  • - Their website was nothing special... it was ordinary to the point of blandness.
  • - They relied entirely on affiliate traffic built up through 100's of articles (see on how to do that for yourself).
  • - They had one payment
And the clincher - their site was in the same market as mine - and had these same essentials for massive sales potential:

- Desperate buyers
- Evergreen product
- Vast market

My lottery products have a bigger advantage though.

Because the Silver Lotto System is unique. There's no real competition against it - unlike the thousands of assorted weight-loss products and fads. You could spend years and countless dollars trying to capture the lose-weight crowd, and lose your shirt.

But there are almost no other lottery systems that work as well as mine. It's the perfect product.

And my marketing is so good that I get an unheard of 4% conversions from visitors. The weight-loss product gets only half that - just 2%.

If this information hasn't given you a kick in your enthusiasm by now, I don't know what will.

Go now to the Lotto Affiliate Center and get started!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Super Affiliate Secret... Traffic + Tools

Your affiliate life is quite simple.

Because to make a decent living - or a happy retirement - you only need get information about, and act on two items.

1. Traffic
2. Tools

Getting enough internet traffic is your profit lifeblood. And it's remarkably simple... all you need do is drive enough interested people to view items containing your ClickBank Nickname.

That's my task - to help you attract the right kind of buyers to put money in your pocket.

And the rules are quite simple: For every 100 visitors you attract to the Silver Lotto websites, 4 will eventually buy. Do the sums with the calculator on the Lotto Mini-Website to see how much that can be.

And the second part is Tools.

Once you get the traffic flowing and growing, you need the right Tools to funnel them through to the selling sites.

I provide a growing number of Tools for you:

- Lotto Mini-Website: a ready-made website that gives away a popular book freee, and channels readers through your ClickBank Nickname to my websites where 4% of visitors will buy.

- Lotto Traffic Builder: a blog for lottery results that attracts buyers through your ClickBank Nickname to my websites - where 4% of them will buy.

- Lotto Affiliate Center: My website for affiliates which tell you how to write selling articles, place banners, place classifieds, include an interview and more.

- Free Traffic Revealed: A free book which uncovers 99 free ways to quickly build, boost & drive massive traffic.

And I'll also give straight-up reviews of products that will help serious affiliates get ahead fast.

For example, I've just spent $197 on a traffic manual to see if it makes the grade. One of the authors gets an amazing 8 million visitors a month to his fitness websites, and in this manual he shows how he does it.

But would I recommend it to you?

I'm an advanced marketer, so about a quarter of the book I found very useful... with a couple of tips VERY useful indeed. The intermediate affiliate would find half of it useful. A beginner would have a lot of material to use.

Take a look:

Remember, I'll always be on the lookout for getting you the best kind of information that's powerful, and contains real world tactics you can use.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Choose Your Hook With Care

So you've got your ClickBank Nickname .

And you're all fired up by the expectation of making thousands of dollars from my Silver Lotto products.

Someone told you that getting on the 'Git Reech Queek' forums would work. So you tried it.

You wrote quite a few posts about how great my products were. And how much money everyone was winning.

And the responses started flooding in. Even a few sales.

But by the end of the month, most of those sales had requested a refund, and the wave of visitors had dried up.

How did this happen!

I'll let you into a little secret....

Think Quality.
Not Quantity.

When you cast your net in muddy waters, you're going to get the wrong sort of fish.

You don't want the fast-money crowd. Or the get-it-for-less operators.

You want the kind of guy who lives next door. The guy you can talk to - without embarrassment - about his lottery winning progress.. and his classic Corvette.

How are you going to find these kind of people?

Surprisingly, they are everywhere:
  • - looking on forums for collectibles.
  • - searching for articles on fly-fishing
  • - reading blogs on community gatherings
  • - looking at sports articles
In fact, the average person is your target. Dangle the lotto hook in front of them without too much fuss or fanfare.

Visit and comment in forums and blogs that you're interested in, and place your ClickBank Nickname quietly in your signature. Something like this under your name will do:

"Ask me how to win lotto 8 out of 10 times:"

Talk about their interest in collecting baseball cards, wigs, model trains, memorabilia, whatever...

If they like what you say, and are curious about your signature, they'll bite. And you'll start seeing sales.

Remember, the lottery game appeals to most people in the world. Even the most unlikely. I saw a prominent lawyer standing in a lotto line once. And the wife of one of our country's richest man admits she buys a lotto ticket each week.

Your market is everyone that you connect with.

Always with your ClickBank Nickname close by.

Give it a go!

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

P.S. Don't forget to take a look at the new Lotto Affiliate Center... designed to get your affiliate income up and running like a startled rabbit.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Traffic Builder Caution

If you're waiting on your Traffic Builder to be installed, here's what I'm doing.

(And if you don't know what I'm talking about, go here:

You see, when the major search engines take a look at our websites (we used to call it 'spidering' - quaint how that term is hardly used nowadays)... it's a very sophisticated squint.

And one of the things they look for is a rush of enthusiasm.

That could come from seeing a larger number of websites being developed than what they expect - based on industry averages.

And they might decide to knock the sites down in their page results.

So I err on the side of caution.

If I rush, your Traffic Builder could take longer than average to get on the first search page.

So I'm building these quite slowly so as not to alarm Google and the other big search fellas.

I'd love to present yours to you within a day or so, but it's not prudent.

So, patience please.

My tortoise-like progress is designed to get you properly established.

And don't forget to take a wander through the new Lotto Affiliate Center... it's just a few pages, but designed to get your affiliate income accelerating like a Ferrari:

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Silver Lotto System Conversion Bonanza

If you've chosen to promote my Silver Lotto System by buying the Lotto Mini-Website (, it was a good choice.

I'll tell you why with this bit of interesting news...

For quite a while the industry average for internet sales conversion has been 1%. That means for every 100 visitors who look at a website, just 1 ends up buying a product from it. That's not counting refunds - which may make the figure even lower.

Lots of experts acknowledge this figure as fact, and the 1% has made itself a standard of sorts.

So when someone doubles that figure, the net world goes crazy with excitement.

Let's stretch the boundaries a little more.

What if I told you that my Silver Lotto products gets much higher than that... a 4% conversion rate?

Four times greater... 400% more.

Well, it's a fact.

Based on figures taken over the last year, for every 100 unique visitors to my website, I get 4 sales.

And if you're a Lotto Mini-Website owner, that's good news indeed.

It's way beyond what anyone else does (and if they claim some higher figure, you really should take a closer look... it could be exaggerated).

What does this mean for you?

Simply, if you were ever considering selling another product, don't even think about it. My products are much more profitable per visitor.

I want to tell you about another positive aspect of a negative figure: refunds.

They upset the profit because refunds mean not only lowered sales, but dissatisfied buyers.

Although my refund rate is the lowest in the industry at about 2%, the actual figure is less than that... about half - for a variety of different reasons. The simple act of buying online still is a problem for some people. I hope ClickBank keep working on solutions for that.

Never mind, the refund rate is super low, and that's good for you because many other affiliate products can take a 10% whack out of your profits.

And they don't advertise that fact. The owners merely take a punt on losing a tenth of their sales and build that figure in to their losses just in the same way large retail stores allow a certain percentage of loss for shoplifters.

I don't do that. My refunds are up to 10 times lower, and that means your funds stay in your bank account - not get taken back from you every time someone decides to bale out.

Both these points - the high 4% conversion rate and the low 1% refund rate mean that you can promote my products with confidence.

Oh, and did I tell you I'm a dinosaur of the net? I've been around since 1995 selling online.

Whenever you see an internet veteran with a long history of success, you can bet they're doing something right that you can benefit from!

In future posts I'll be showing you ways to increase visitors to your sites - the lifeblood of our business.

And get the Lotto Mini-Website here if you don't have it yet:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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