Thursday, July 9, 2009

Choose Your Hook With Care

So you've got your ClickBank Nickname .

And you're all fired up by the expectation of making thousands of dollars from my Silver Lotto products.

Someone told you that getting on the 'Git Reech Queek' forums would work. So you tried it.

You wrote quite a few posts about how great my products were. And how much money everyone was winning.

And the responses started flooding in. Even a few sales.

But by the end of the month, most of those sales had requested a refund, and the wave of visitors had dried up.

How did this happen!

I'll let you into a little secret....

Think Quality.
Not Quantity.

When you cast your net in muddy waters, you're going to get the wrong sort of fish.

You don't want the fast-money crowd. Or the get-it-for-less operators.

You want the kind of guy who lives next door. The guy you can talk to - without embarrassment - about his lottery winning progress.. and his classic Corvette.

How are you going to find these kind of people?

Surprisingly, they are everywhere:
  • - looking on forums for collectibles.
  • - searching for articles on fly-fishing
  • - reading blogs on community gatherings
  • - looking at sports articles
In fact, the average person is your target. Dangle the lotto hook in front of them without too much fuss or fanfare.

Visit and comment in forums and blogs that you're interested in, and place your ClickBank Nickname quietly in your signature. Something like this under your name will do:

"Ask me how to win lotto 8 out of 10 times:"

Talk about their interest in collecting baseball cards, wigs, model trains, memorabilia, whatever...

If they like what you say, and are curious about your signature, they'll bite. And you'll start seeing sales.

Remember, the lottery game appeals to most people in the world. Even the most unlikely. I saw a prominent lawyer standing in a lotto line once. And the wife of one of our country's richest man admits she buys a lotto ticket each week.

Your market is everyone that you connect with.

Always with your ClickBank Nickname close by.

Give it a go!

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

P.S. Don't forget to take a look at the new Lotto Affiliate Center... designed to get your affiliate income up and running like a startled rabbit.

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