Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rewrite And Reap

NOTE: This article is an advanced marketing step, but can be done easily by a first-time affiliate with no experience.
Requirements: Basic writing skills. Desire to make an affiliate fortune!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you're confused about what method you need to make an affiliate fortune - you're not alone.

There are thousands of experts out there wanting you to buy their expensive affiliate success books, DVD's or secret methods. They will tell you with earnest and persuasive copy how their system will accelerate your earnings in extraordinary ways.

Some might have the secret to a quick income. I've yet to find them though.

For example, one of the most popular ways to produce instant traffic (and remember - more traffic = more sales)... is Pay Per Click (PPC).

It's a pity that Google won't allow us to use PPC ads for lottery products.

But that's not a big problem, because there's a downside to PPC: it costs. You can spend $15 on Adwords and only get $20 back in sales. But not often. Most times you lose.

The big boys accept a low margin like this because they have thousands of dollars to throw at PPC daily. That's how you hear of the big figures they claim. They've spent $10,000 daily and got back $11,000. A thousand bucks a day profit, not bad - if you can do it.

Don't waste your time on that.

There are several other methods to attract the visitors you need without spending a cent.

But the one that is most effective - even today with millions of words being produced daily round the world - is article rewriting.

I want you to focus and concentrate on that method alone. Because it works:
  • - Rewriting is easy to do, and quick. All you need do is rewrite any of my 800 original articles on my blog in your own way, and submit them to article directories. How effective is this? Well, the $21 million weight-loss product I mentioned yesterday gets most of its 2 million visitors a month from articles. Thousands of them, plastered all over the planet, written by affiliates just like you.

  • It is a painless process because I've written everything for you. You just change my wording slightly and submit them through automatic submission bots. How hard can that be! And rewriting is fully legal because you have my permission.

  • - The more you rewrite, the more you make. You only need get 100 visitors to my websites to get 4 sales. Do the math... if you can rewrite 5 articles a day, that's 150 articles a month. Even if you stop there, and each article gets only 100 visitors a month, that's a potential 600 sales a month = $12,000/mth minimum. It can be very, very rewarding - even if you stop, because...

  • - Your work goes on forever, and so does the visitor flow. You rewrite an article once, and reap the reward many times because articles keep working for you effortlessly over the months and years ahead. On autopilot. So rewrite once and then forget. Easy.
There are full instructions about rewriting my articles in 10 easy steps here at the Lotto Affiliate Center.

Right now you should start getting those articles published to start the profit ball rolling.

The most important thing is to NEVER give up. Go slow if you have to. Take a break in the weekend if you must.

But focus and persist on your goal.

Plan on writing 1 article a day. As you get experienced (and it doesn't take long), plan to increase it to 2 articles a day after the first week.

Then increase volume slowly until you are rewriting 5 articles a day. It won't take long before your readership and visitor count snowballs.

The current 800 articles can each be rewritten multiple times, and I produce a new one each day. It's a constant stream that will never dry up!

Go now to the article section at the Lotto Affiliate Center now and get started:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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