Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hype, Overselling, And Making The Match

Today I want to talk about returns. Or call them refunds.

Sadly, some 1-2% do return my system, and that's the lowest of any digital product I know - but it's often returned for a different reason than we think.

I'm not talking about the buyer who didn't understand the product, or the buyer who didn't receive the product.

I mean the buyer who was oversold.

And it generally happens when there isn't a MATCH between the buyer's expectations and the product. It is usually because:
  • - The product was promoted too hard ("This the BEST product I've EVER seen!!!! Everyone who buys it will win almost every time!!)
  • - There was a wrong emphasis somewhere, usually on price ("Every other lotto system sells for $100 and more - the Silver Lotto System is the cheapest you'll ever see anywhere...).
How do you prevent this happening?

First, make sure you are not over-promoting the Silver Lotto System's virtues. Yes, it probably is the most effective lottery system on the market - thousands of testimonials confirm that.

But saying that it is a guaranteed winning world-beater is doing your buyers a disservice.

Why do you need to be so careful? Because the buyer will quickly claim a refund when they see the product doesn't match up to the hype.

Here's the best way to avoid this problem:
  1. - Use my material. You don't need to write your own unless it's a real testimonial or you're a top-class copywriter. The best way is to rewrite my blog posts or newsletters ( By using my prewritten information you'll also save a lot of time and energy.

  2. - Funnel all your prospects into the main Silver Lotto System website as quickly as you can. Don't keep them on your own page for longer than you have to. Do this by sending traffic from newsletters or forum posts to your Lotto Mini-Website. My presell material does a better job than anything else and I've spent years honing it. Use it - don't reinvent the wheel!

  3. - Only make claims that I have substantiated. Don't try and rewrite different claims from my facts to make them sound better. Over-statement is often worse than under-statement.

PS. How are you enjoying your increased profit from my new 60% commission rate?

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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