Sunday, July 12, 2009

Do You Need A Kick In The Pants?

Hey, what are your goals?

Are you content to make enough to supplement your job?

Or are you ambitious... do you want to shoot for the moon?

To get started on a roll, sometimes you need a kick in the pants - like I got a week back.

Because back then I came across a weight-loss website that in 2008 had sales of $21 million.

Not traffic. Not hits.

But a verified dollar amount of $21 million sales through ClickBank - the same merchant company you and I use.

I figure that gave them about $5-6 million in profit. For a website and product that probably only cost $200 to make.

Here's where this information kicked me in the butt...
  • - Their website was nothing special... it was ordinary to the point of blandness.
  • - They relied entirely on affiliate traffic built up through 100's of articles (see on how to do that for yourself).
  • - They had one payment
And the clincher - their site was in the same market as mine - and had these same essentials for massive sales potential:

- Desperate buyers
- Evergreen product
- Vast market

My lottery products have a bigger advantage though.

Because the Silver Lotto System is unique. There's no real competition against it - unlike the thousands of assorted weight-loss products and fads. You could spend years and countless dollars trying to capture the lose-weight crowd, and lose your shirt.

But there are almost no other lottery systems that work as well as mine. It's the perfect product.

And my marketing is so good that I get an unheard of 4% conversions from visitors. The weight-loss product gets only half that - just 2%.

If this information hasn't given you a kick in your enthusiasm by now, I don't know what will.

Go now to the Lotto Affiliate Center and get started!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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