Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Simple Success Promise

This morning I bought two massive online marketing manuals.

They promised me untold wealth.

Oh hang on, I have untold wealth already :-)

Well OK, I was really buying these Bibles of Marketing to get some ideas for YOU.

It's part of my ongoing strategy to heap your dessert plate full of useful information.

So you can set up a successful online business - as well as win lotto.

Either way I'm going to help you win your battle against the dreaded J.O.B.

What you need is a bizness with constant Cashflow...

A Cashflow cashcow if you will...

And I'm going to reveal it to you in a minute.

But back to the books...

Unfortunately, these giant masterpieces of over 400 pages gave me little information that I didn't already know about already, or could pass on to you.

And they gave me something else too. A big headache.

You see, just trying to extract easy answers from these pages... to make them work in a simple business - was like trying to catch a greased pig in the rain.

I scratched my head. Why does a net business have to be so complex?

* Why are there so many steps?
* So many instructions?
* So many training videos and screenshots?
* Why are you making your own websites?..
* Writing your own newsletters?

Why do these geniuses assume we're geeks like them - and forget that we need 5 year's training to understand even their most basic ideas?

I was very disillusioned after I finished my readathon.

This unhappy buying experiment not only put a $297 dent in my wallet...

But it made me steaming mad.

Mad enough to sit down and write the following statement on yellow paper through gritted teeth and hissing breath with every word:

"I, Ken Silver, do Promise to Make
Internet Business a *Simple Success*
Process for Everyone."

And I stuck the post-it note on my computer so I'd never forget.

Now, I've started this process already with two of my products:

1). My Lotto Mini-Website. It's completely ready-made. You don't have to do anything except give me your ClickBank Nickname so I can set it up for you. Then you drive visitors to the completed site in the way I show you. Simpleness itself: http://lottominiwebsite.com

And I even help you grab visitors with my free 99 Ways traffic generating manual, "Free Traffic Revealed" bundled with it.

2). And to give you more hands-off happiness, there's my Lotto Traffic Builder. This clever system not only drives visitors to your Lotto Mini-Website, but makes sales for you as well: http://www.lottotrafficbuilder.com.

Again, I do all the work. You do nothing except sit on your hands and cheer me on.

What do these two website products have in common?


They need NO skill, NO work, NO setup, NO ongoing maintenance.

And best of all, they both qualify for my Simple Success Promise.

There's just one problem.

The prices are too low and I'm swamped with orders. (Or maybe they're very popular because they work).

I'm taking a quick break to write you this newsletter, but in 5 minutes I have to get back to work to try and catch up on the backlog.

Yes, I'm doing the hard yards so you don't have to. But it takes a lot of time.

And it's aging me beyond my years :)

Since I can't outsource this work, I'll soon have to throttle down demand by putting the price up.

I'm still taking orders right now though, and thankfully I can see the queue of sites to do is getting shorter.

The Lotto Mini-Website has a lag of 3-4 days. If you get in the door real quick, yours may be finished sooner than that.

The Traffic Builder stands at 5-7 days. Ditto.

OK, pony up.

Choose your Simple Success Promise path now...

...the Lotto Mini-Website.

And the Lotto Traffic Builder.

Or buy both - they compliment each other to drive more traffic and more sales through your door.

And unless you've been sleeping under a bridge the last month or two, you'll know these are the best biznesses to go with.

Because these 2 websites are cleverly designed to sell the Silver Lotto range of over 30 products.

And a couple of days ago I put up your share of Silver Lotto products commission for the first time in 10 years: From half (50%) back then... to now a whopping 60%.

That means nearly two thirds of each sale goes into YOUR pocket! While I do all the work! (who's crazy here!)

Get started now.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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