Friday, July 3, 2009

Silver Lotto System Conversion Bonanza

If you've chosen to promote my Silver Lotto System by buying the Lotto Mini-Website (, it was a good choice.

I'll tell you why with this bit of interesting news...

For quite a while the industry average for internet sales conversion has been 1%. That means for every 100 visitors who look at a website, just 1 ends up buying a product from it. That's not counting refunds - which may make the figure even lower.

Lots of experts acknowledge this figure as fact, and the 1% has made itself a standard of sorts.

So when someone doubles that figure, the net world goes crazy with excitement.

Let's stretch the boundaries a little more.

What if I told you that my Silver Lotto products gets much higher than that... a 4% conversion rate?

Four times greater... 400% more.

Well, it's a fact.

Based on figures taken over the last year, for every 100 unique visitors to my website, I get 4 sales.

And if you're a Lotto Mini-Website owner, that's good news indeed.

It's way beyond what anyone else does (and if they claim some higher figure, you really should take a closer look... it could be exaggerated).

What does this mean for you?

Simply, if you were ever considering selling another product, don't even think about it. My products are much more profitable per visitor.

I want to tell you about another positive aspect of a negative figure: refunds.

They upset the profit because refunds mean not only lowered sales, but dissatisfied buyers.

Although my refund rate is the lowest in the industry at about 2%, the actual figure is less than that... about half - for a variety of different reasons. The simple act of buying online still is a problem for some people. I hope ClickBank keep working on solutions for that.

Never mind, the refund rate is super low, and that's good for you because many other affiliate products can take a 10% whack out of your profits.

And they don't advertise that fact. The owners merely take a punt on losing a tenth of their sales and build that figure in to their losses just in the same way large retail stores allow a certain percentage of loss for shoplifters.

I don't do that. My refunds are up to 10 times lower, and that means your funds stay in your bank account - not get taken back from you every time someone decides to bale out.

Both these points - the high 4% conversion rate and the low 1% refund rate mean that you can promote my products with confidence.

Oh, and did I tell you I'm a dinosaur of the net? I've been around since 1995 selling online.

Whenever you see an internet veteran with a long history of success, you can bet they're doing something right that you can benefit from!

In future posts I'll be showing you ways to increase visitors to your sites - the lifeblood of our business.

And get the Lotto Mini-Website here if you don't have it yet:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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