Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lotto Affiliates - How To Attract 5 Million Avid Fans!

What does 5 million unique visitors a year mean to you as a Silver Seller? 

Simply this:

This kind of traffic for the Silver Lotto System is growing fast. I predict we'll be up to that multi-million visitor figure by next year. 

Take a look at the graphs at to see how our traffic is rising at a phenomenal rate.

It shows unique visitors to our website are rocketing up at the fastest rate we've seen for several years. And our popularity is also up - we're now at the sub-50k mark for (48,425 global ranking as at today).

What's interesting is that it's been done...
Without Adwords or PPC,
Without offline promotion,
Without clever Search Engine tools.

So where does all this traffic come from?

Simply... Articles.

The traffic comes from a few affiliate writers, websites and blogs I've sold over the years, existing lists.

And articles. Posts on my blogs primarily.

Of all the methods to get traffic for our lottery products, articles are really the best. All I do is write a blog post each day... and that's how we got there - just a few years of daily writing.

You can duplicate this method. It takes some time and occasionally some hard work. There's no shortcuts that are cheap - except outsourcing - and even that comes at a price.

But it can be done, and I'll show you how.

There are several ways to get growing traffic from articles. But as usual, the best ways are always the simplest.

Just write, and keep writing articles.

They don't have to be about the lottery. In fact, that's probably the most difficult subject to cover. Instead, write about anything that interests you.

A powerful example of how effective that method can be is by examining articles from Ezine Articles expert author Lance Winslow.

He is a retired entrepreneur with a prolific output... over 23,000 articles in less than six years.

Now get this... in one of his recent articles he mentioned at times he had to stop writing because the amount of traffic to his websites was overwhelming his server.

Imagine being in that happy predicament! So how does he do it?

If you go to and take a look at some of his articles, you'll notice that they are all over the place as far as subject matter is concerned. He talks about his interests with aircraft, commercial cleaning, traveling and he even reviews books he has read.

His secret is simply to make sure that his resource box (see the Lotto Affiliate Center for details) carries a link to the websites he is promoting at the time. You will do well to examine these articles and find out how they work. Take some of the methods he uses and apply them to your own subject matter.

It's the answer to an ever increasing amount of traffic from your affiliate link.

Some SEO experts believe that there needs to be a correlation between the article topic and the resource box link, but Lance's examples seems to disprove that. A lot of these articles and the link they point to in his author resource box are often not related. And I've got other proof from other research I've done that the connection between the article subject and the link doesn't seem to be that important.

So it seems you can write about anything at all that interests you, and you will see a benefit with traffic being referred from your affiliate link.

Now, an important point about your link domain with

It needs to be a top level domain (TLD), not your affiliate link. EzineArticles say this about TLD's in their terms of service for authors:

We reject articles with direct affiliate links. It is ok, however, to forward/redirect to an affiliate link from the top-level of a domain name you own. For example, it is permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:

...but it would not be permissable to forward to an affiliate link from:

One way to do this is to use a cheap hosting service like and redirect a TLD to your affiliate link.

For example, if your affiliate link is

1. Find a suitable domain name and register it. Let's say,

2. Then use the redirect service offered by your host, and forward it to your affiliate link. So the link you use in your resource box: 
...would redirect to your affiliate link:

You will be paying a few dollars a month for this service, but it is well worth it. Ezine Articles is the top recognized article directory for page rank and back linking, and if your articles make the grade in quality, you'll get a lot of benefit from this website for many years.

This is how it's done.

Write once... benefit many times! Then just scale up and multiply your effort.

There is nothing complex about the procedure. All you need is the time and ability to write several articles a day - and do it continuously. After several weeks or months, you'll start to notice a growing river of traffic flowing from your affiliate link, and the sales will follow.

This is how a small number of top ranking affiliates for managed to boost that website's sales to over $21 million last year.

How serious are you? Does receiving even a small part of this kind of income make you want to get started?

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver