Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Conquer Britain As A Lottery Affiliate - Even If You Live There!

Today I want to talk about the massive opportunities ahead of you - no matter where you live in the world.

Britain has just unleashed the most far-reaching job cuts that country has seen for decades... over half a million government servants will be losing their jobs over the next four years.

If you just shrugged your shoulders and said, "so what?" - you are completely missing the point.

Because along with job cuts in UK and the ever growing population of retirees, there will be millions more people desperately needing what we sell. Not only do they need an increased income to cover their retirement expenses, but to escape the boredom that has become their life they are more likely to buy tickets in something that promises to improve their lives.

And that something is the lottery. So far, this is nothing new... people have been trying to escape reality all over the world.

I'm saying that now is different. The division between rich and poor is growing, and with job losses and recession in many countries it's getting harder for many people to achieve a more comfortable life. That's why what the Silver Lotto System offers is so important.

The most exciting opportunities I provide are these...

2. A passive income business that anyone can start.

I offer both these opportunities. And today I'm going to tell you where you can make the most income from them.

The first stop is a western country where our Silver Lotto System sales are lowest.


USA is the country with the highest amount of traffic to our website. 

Britain has barely 3% of that traffic.

Yet the population difference of both countries... United States with 307 million, Britain's 61 million... means that UK should be getting at least 20% of that traffic instead of a mere 3%.

Add to the fact that the British have a reputation for being a nation of gamblers - and you can see that the potential for sales of the Silver Lotto System to Britain are huge.

Even if you live outside Britain, you can offer my system to them. With the internet, distance is no barrier. I want you to think seriously about targeting Britain as having huge potential for your enterprise. You can do this by:

- writing articles with a British appeal.
- building mailing lists in that country.
- registering domain names for their lotteries with "" suffixes.

And don't forget, it doesn't matter where you live or what currency you deal in as an affiliate. It always gets converted back to your own country's currency.

I can't begin to explain how much potential there is for the Silver Lotto System in Britain. In the next issue I will talk about how you can offer my business-building products to them.

Let me know how I can help you conquer Britain (even if you live there!) and become our top-selling affiliate!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver