Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do Some Replacement Therapy

If you're an active affiliate, you've probably got a few forums and blogs that you visit that help you improve your sales.

However, in a lot of cases these outlets are designed to promote particular products of theirs, so they have a vested interest.

Well, that's great of course, but there's one problem...

Only a few affiliate products really perform.

For example, many products may have great appeal and sell well, but have a high refund rate.

There's nothing more depressing than seeing your hard-won sales being gradually clicked away by refunders - and there is nothing you can do about it.

Or they may have low appeal in high target areas, like Internet Marketing for example. This is a saturated market with only a handful of top players. In order to sell their products profitably, you need to be at the top of your game - an expert.

Which brings us back to my lottery systems.

With universal appeal and low refund rates, my systems are the perfect products.

But other product affiliate websites can offer you a lot of background knowledge that can be useful if you adapt them. 

So I suggest you do some replacement therapy... instead of promoting their products, simply replace these with mine, and reap the benefits!

To find affiliate pages in different areas, just google "subject + affiliate" and you'll get many thousands of websites and many useful ideas.

One of the advantages of my products is that you only have a limited number of ways to promote them. You can't do PPC (pay per click) with Adsense or Adwords. While you can use some social media, like YouTube, the results aren't that spectacular according to my tests.

So it limits you to writing articles. And the good thing is that this is probably the most profitable way to spend your time.

Every article you write lasts well, and can be effective for several years in promoting your affiliate link.

The way to do that is set out in my Lotto Affiliate Center: http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com.

And of course the upcoming Lotto Code will show you how to produce articles without much writing too.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver