Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special Lotto Affiliate Incentive Bonus Starts Tomorrow

Today I'm announcing a special bonus.

And by the way, it's also a timely reminder why you should ONLY promote my products. 

Here's why...

- We have a low refund rate. And it's dropping because of some changes I've made to improve the buyer retention rate. That's a good thing.

- My systems are hugely underrated and little-known. When you compare the vast number of lottery players - hundreds of millions play EACH WEEK - and the tiny number of sales we have by comparison, there is a lot of potential. 

- My products have more potential than any other market segment including weightloss, because of the untapped target market in winning lottery systems. After all, there are only a handful of other lottery systems around (and most of them don't work!)... compared to the many thousands of fatloss programs. The market is wide open for us!

- My personal ambition is to make a Million-A-Month. Yup - dollars. A mere 12 times what we're doing now. The only way I'm going to do it quickly is through affiliate sales. So I'm going to do everything possible to support you in order to achieve my ambitious goals. Ain't that a good thing!

OK, here's the announcement.

From 1 October (just a day away for some of you), I'm starting a bonus system:

If you make 1,000 ClickBank sales or more in one calendar month, I will pay you an extra $3 per sale on top of the 75% you already get.

You just advise me if you reached that target, and after a quick check I'll pop the amount to you via PayPal, or any other method you prefer.

Now, that could add up quite nicely for you. 

For example, if you reached 1,000 sales a month... that's only 32 a day... you'd get over $31,000 ($28,000 commission + $3,000 bonus) for the month.

Remember, we sell over 35 different products as well as the Silver Lotto System. It all adds up to improve your sales ratios.

And don't forget, all the time I'm working hard to increase conversions and reduce refunds.

Our traffic is increasing... show our world ranking at 57,194 right now, from the 187,000+ a couple of months back... and we are edging closer to the 10,000 Alexa rank I'm looking for before Xmas.

So why am I introducing this bonus? It's simple... big figures like this are easier to attain than you think. I want to expand your motivation and let you realize that the growth possibilities are enormous. 

If you just free your mind from the restrictive thinking you have now, and realized that figures like this are being done all over the internet by the top 10% of affiliates, you'll realize that the world is a larger place - with more oppportunity than you realized.

In my upcoming Lotto Code I'm going to reveal the secret Method that the top affiliates use to generate these almost unbelievable figures for themselves. And it's easier than you think.

But don't keep waiting for future plans from me or anyone else to materialize... get going now by visiting the Lotto Affiliate Center and beginning your plan. Any effort you do now will never be wasted.

And any way I can help you, I will. 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Money Is In The List

One of the most effective ways of selling my products is through your own mailing list. 

But not every list will work.

A purchased list of unrelated names will give you fewer results. You may get good initial sales, but if the list is not a good match to the product, sales are low, the refund rate increases and your profit drops. 

For example, if you buy a list of cat lovers in the hope that a percentage of them will cross over to a lottery product, it won't be as effective as buying a poker players list.

One answer is to build your own list, and the best way to do that is to offer something in exchange for an email address. 

If you are experienced in building a website, you can offer your own rebrandable Lottery Special Report at the Lotto Affiliate Center: It's free. Then you can use selected articles from my own newsletters to promote your affiliate name in a series of autoresponders.

I recommend using as your mailing list host. The professional version is just a few dollars a month, and stops those distracting ads from appearing at the top of each email.

If you don't want to make your own website, I could produce a customized site with email opt-in and autoresponders like the one at if there are enough people interested.

Let me know through the email address in my Silver Seller newsletters:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Lotto Code Update

I know a bunch of you have been waiting for me to finish The Lotto Code... the unique manual to allow you to get on the road to a Million-A-Year fortune.

And I haven't finished it yet, some weeks after the promised date.

I goofed up by telling you when I would finish, but of course something always comes along to mess with my head :)

In this case, I've decided to release two parts of the Lotto Code together, instead of the one originally planned.

And so it's going to take a little longer than I expected.

What two parts, you ask?

Well, the good news is that in this final version I'll be giving you two options to haul in some crazy money.

One option is for folk who can't - or prefer not to - write stuff.

The other version is for those who do.

Now, you can make sales either way, but one is easier - and not necessarily more effective than the other.

You'll have to wait until you read the manual to find out.

But it does mean that you're covered... you can choose either option to complete, or even do both at once.

In case you haven't been following the story so far, the Lotto Code is my exciting upcoming manual that covers the complete method for dedicated affiliates to earn up to $1 million a year in commissions from Silver Lotto products.

One of the big advantages... in fact it's huge... is that unlike other affiliate money making schemes, using the Lotto Code means you don't have to worry about what product to choose.

That's always the tough part in any affiliate research.

My lottery systems are the best you'll find for affiliate sales - ever. It's a no-brainer.

But of course, there's a few people that know that already... a few weeks back one affiliate made over $10,000 in his pocket, in less than 5 days.

One of the main advantages is that we're still not that well known. This fact is gold to many professional affiliates because it means that the market has not yet been saturated. They can jump in and make some serious moolah easily.

In fact, by comparison to the hundreds of millions who play the lottery each week, there's only a tiny fraction who actually own and use the Silver Lotto System. 

So you can see the field is wide open for affiliates to do more.

The potential is huge no matter where you look. 

And with any luck, I should have the second section of the Lotto Code completed in a few short weeks.

It will be worth the wait!

Keep glued to this newsletter, or sign up at my Lotto Affiliate Center to get advance information:

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do Some Replacement Therapy

If you're an active affiliate, you've probably got a few forums and blogs that you visit that help you improve your sales.

However, in a lot of cases these outlets are designed to promote particular products of theirs, so they have a vested interest.

Well, that's great of course, but there's one problem...

Only a few affiliate products really perform.

For example, many products may have great appeal and sell well, but have a high refund rate.

There's nothing more depressing than seeing your hard-won sales being gradually clicked away by refunders - and there is nothing you can do about it.

Or they may have low appeal in high target areas, like Internet Marketing for example. This is a saturated market with only a handful of top players. In order to sell their products profitably, you need to be at the top of your game - an expert.

Which brings us back to my lottery systems.

With universal appeal and low refund rates, my systems are the perfect products.

But other product affiliate websites can offer you a lot of background knowledge that can be useful if you adapt them. 

So I suggest you do some replacement therapy... instead of promoting their products, simply replace these with mine, and reap the benefits!

To find affiliate pages in different areas, just google "subject + affiliate" and you'll get many thousands of websites and many useful ideas.

One of the advantages of my products is that you only have a limited number of ways to promote them. You can't do PPC (pay per click) with Adsense or Adwords. While you can use some social media, like YouTube, the results aren't that spectacular according to my tests.

So it limits you to writing articles. And the good thing is that this is probably the most profitable way to spend your time.

Every article you write lasts well, and can be effective for several years in promoting your affiliate link.

The way to do that is set out in my Lotto Affiliate Center:

And of course the upcoming Lotto Code will show you how to produce articles without much writing too.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slow Figures...The Ultimate Affiliate Secret

This week I'd like to talk more about how to improve your affiliate business.

Most of us are attracted by 'fast figures' sales generation we see everywhere. These are the amazing amounts of sales produced by some affiliates in just a matter of hours or days. I'm sure you'll remember the $10,000 achieved by one Silver Lotto affiliate last month, and they got this in just 5 days.

It can be done.

But this fast figures method requires some pre-building, and sometimes it takes months or years to acquire a large enough mailing list. Success in this way usually means the affiliate has not only built a large mailing list, but also has the reputation and authority to promote whatever product they review.

Sometimes a large mailing list will be productive for very similar products. For example, a poker playing mailing list might attract a higher number of lottery players. 

But not always. A large list can often generate sales from a completely unrelated market - if it's presented properly by the list owner.

Another form of fast figures involves PPC... pay per click advertising. Unfortunately Google prohibits the lottery and gambling sector from using PPC ads. I can never figure out why, since there are a greater number of scams and rorts in the weight-loss sector. But you can't go against the big guys who hold all the cards. 

And then there's the Blackhat methods. Stay away from all of these... it's been proven time and time again that long-term use of black hat traffic generation will ultimately cause you to fail, and maybe get you banned for life from the search engines. I'm not talking about the obvious spamming issues, but high-energy backlinking, robot blogs and a heap of other stuff that may seem OK, but will ultimately trip you up and cause you a lot more work and worry.

So now we look at the slow figure methods. Many of these you can see at my Lotto Affiliate Center. They are effective, low-cost, and best of all, give you excellent long-term traffic.

There are many you can use there, starting with the three-star promotions. But the most effective method... one that has been proven time and time again to bring results... is article marketing. Yes, even today it is hugely effective, and I have no doubt it will always stay that way.

One of the major advantages is that an article - rather like a blog post (same thing almost) - remains in the search engine's brain for years at a time. So if you get an article published in a high ranking article directory like Ezine Articles, it will keep profiting for you over many years.

This is the main structure for the Lotto Code.

In the meantime, you'll never go wrong by following the articles section at the Lotto Affiliate Center:, and starting now, regardless. Every article you produce will always produce results... you can never lose by doing it.

As always, I want you to make a huge amount of in-pocket cash from my products that keeps on flowing. If you need any advice or help at all, email me at this newsletter address and I'll answer you as quickly as I can.

And don't forget, you'll also never go wrong with your own website:

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Few Profit-Making Affiliate Numbers For You

Before I talk numbers, here's some news about my Silver Sites at As you may know I've put a few sites up there for sale in the last month or two, and they've all sold faster than greased lightning. 

If you bought one, keep reading.

I also had an official Powerball site and my Banned Food Diet site for sale there too.

But I've now taken these two down. 


They were too cheap. At $15,000 and $7,500 respectively they were an absolute bargain, based on current traffic and sales.

And these advantages are likely to grow like Topsy as the months roll by. 

So why did I put them up for sale in the first place?

Well, when someone sells a site they do it for a several reasons. First, the site is not making money. And second, there's no future prospects for it. And third, maybe the owner wants a lump sum out immediately.

But my sites weren't up there for any of those reasons... I just wanted to concentrate on other parts of my business, and maintaining these sites were a bother at the time.

But now they're not. It only took a month or two to go by, and already - without any work or effort on my part - sales are rising and the future looks better than a hog dipped in butter!

So when that happens - it would be silly to sell. 

And I'm so confident that they will continue to grow massive profits, that I now want them all for myself!

So, sorry to anyone who had been thinking about buying them - your oppportunity is long gone.

But if you bought any of the other Silver Sites, then you've made a great choice! 

Your future is just going to snowball... to get better and better, because the potential for lottery products is simply staggering.

And it's growing daily... see the next section about numbers.

If you're not getting the most out of your sites, just remember shortly I'll be finishing the Lotto Code which will give you even more of an advantage, which translates into more sales. 

Next stop, world domination! :)

Let's throw a few numbers around, and talk about how you can benefit from them...

1. Our rank is slowly increasing. From 187,000 a month or two back, we're now at 66,450 global ranking overall when I looked a couple of minutes ago, and 22,340 in USA.

And 1,465 in Sri Lanka, if you're interested!

That global goal is getting encouragingly closer to the 10,000 target I've set myself for the end of the year.

In case you don't know what does, it 'counts' the number of visitors to my site through a specially installed optional menu bar on everyone's browser. 

Now, since a lot of folk don't have that bar installed, this means the traffic we're getting is actually much bigger than what is shown.

Doesn't matter. This current figure means traffic to our site is growing daily, and it sure translates into profit if you're an affiliate!

Because the more visitors, the more opportunities for you. 

Remember, your ClickBank cookie (the nice one!) stays up for 60 days. So the more visitors you can get back to your affiliate link, the more sales you potentially get.

2. Let's move on to keywords. 

And you'll be surprised to know we've discovered there's quite a difference for keyword results between the big boy search engines, Google and Bing.

Google has only registered 144,000 sites for the exact match "silver lotto" - but here's something that will blow your socks off - has 31,100,000. 

Yes, that's 31 million sites with the exact term "silver lotto" in them, for Bing. 

So I went searching through these Bing sites, and in every case page after page shows my product. Of course, I didn't do the full 31 mill, but enough to see that we feature on every site somewhere.

OK, what does this mean for you?

The first step is that with such a large online presence, we're not going away soon. 

So whatever long term effort you put into my products will be rewarded many times.

It also means that if you were a PPC addict - and you might know you can't advertise lottery products on Google - then Bing is going to be better for you.

And these great organic results means traffic for free!

Add to that the growing dissatisfaction with the way Google is treating their PPC advertisers right now, and you have a recipe for succcess!

As always, let me know if you want more info on any of this. I want to help you can break a few sales records this month!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver