Saturday, August 1, 2009

Should You Learn, Or Earn?

I think it's great if you want to buy heaps of affiliate tuition products. I'm the first person to acknowledge that information is king.

Trouble is, most people use the learnin' to avoid the earnin'...

Many folk find it easier to sit down and work hours through an online course than to take practical action... to throw their brain at stuff that gets results now.

Let me tell you something.

Want to know why only a bare handful of affiliates get successful in any field? It isn't because of:
  • - Networking their friends (think MLM)
  • - Working faster than anyone else
  • - Having more knowledge
It all boils down to three simple success actions:

The winners simplify the process, then focus and persist.

1. Simplify so that they can take immediate action.
2. Focus on one method and become expert in it.
3. Keep going and going, and going.

I believe Articles are the enduring ways to build a gigantic affiliate income. You don't even have to write them... I give you permission to rewrite mine. No work, no effort.

So that's mostly what I concentrate on getting done for you.

You don't need elaborate, sophisticated schemes to get your affiliate earnings soaring. You don't have anything to learn.

You just need to know one thing: rewrite Articles.

That will get you traffic...

Traffic is the lifeblood of any enterprise. A constant flow of eager buyers is all you need to get started.

You don't have to worry about the store. You're not a shopkeeper. I do all that for you... the selling, delivery, follow-up, guarantee obligations, payments from buyers and payments to you...

All that messy stuff is done for you.

All you need is...


You build it, grow it, using Articles. That's all you have to think about and work on. No learning. All earning.

My Lotto Affiliate Center is one of the most simple affiliate websites you're ever going to see because I concentrate mainly on Articles as the mission for your success.

And every day I find ways to make it simpler and more effective.

Yesterday I put a simple 1-2-3-Step process on the site to make your life easy.

Have a look now:

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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