Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Make Your Own Product? Or Go This Easier Way...

You might be wondering whether it's easier to make your own product than be an affiliate. When you read this list, you'll quickly know why you're going to be doing a lot less work as an affiliate...

1. Creating a product, whether it's an e-book or a software program, takes time or money. It's true that you can have your software built for you by a freelance programmer, but that takes expertise and good project management skills to do successfully. Too, the number of top-selling products are very few, and most of them have gained their popularity through methods that require years of skill.

2. You need a website to showcase your product or software. While there are many DIY (do-it-yourself) ways to build a website, most of them look amateurish. You need a slick site in order to build confidence in your buyers. And it doesn't stop there once your website is built... getting your site high in the search engines is an almost-impossible task for the majority of newbies.

3. You need to write good sales copy for your website. This is a talent which takes even good English writers many years to accomplish. It's unlikely that a beginner will be able to write convincing material.

4. You need a selling system comprising of an order form, credit card processing system and fulfillment system. Again, while these are available in module form, they lack the personalization that will help you sell your product in any quantity.

5. Most products are not sold off the website you've built... potential buyers simply do not have enough trust first time to make a buying commitment. So you need an e-mail autoresponder system to send them regular newsletters over a period of time to build that trust. Do you have the time to do this?

6. Selling a product or software means giving consistent and ongoing support. It is rare that you can "sell and forget." As your product becomes more popular, the time you need to spend with your support issues increases, and often this is not something you can outsource.

By now you've probably come to realize that being an affiliate takes considerably less effort than creating your own product - because there's only one action you need do as an affiliate... and that is to create traffic and visitors.

As an affiliate, all you need to concentrate on is building traffic and getting visitors to the reseller's website. Fortunately, that's a lot less work than many people think.

You can do it simply by posting on high traffic forums and making your comments. Or you can write articles and reviews about the product.

Don't forget to include your affiliate link every time you do this !

Visit the Lotto Affiliate Center - it shows you the best ways:

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

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