Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Russell Simmons Says About Hustling, And The Rebranding Report For Lottery Affiliates.

I've just been reading about best-selling author and founder of Def Jam Recordings, Russell Simmons. His new book "Super Rich: A Guide To Having It All" offers some advice on success, but one element stood out for me. "Stay on your hustle," said Simmons.

He means don't quit, always keep moving, never give up.

He also recommends giving away your business products for free (that's the Rebrandable Report below).

Hustling is a perfect example of how an affiliate business should be run. I've often said before that most affiliates are not aggressive enough... they think prospects will be scared off if they email them once a week.

Well, I get emails from the big guys in the marketing business DAILY. Guys like Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss and Jeff Johnson clog my inbox up with their pithy and sometimes informative newsletters. And I send almost daily too to my list - been doing that for a decade or more. It's partly the reason I get between 300 and 600 new opt-in subscribers DAILY.

More is always better than less, because you never know whether one mailing will be blocked - yet another will get through to your prospects with a different set of trigger keywords.

Start by going to my Lotto Affiliate Center and sending out a newsletter from one of the prewritten texts there. Get more to write about by adapting my newsletter articles and send that to your list too. You have my permission - provided you credit me with the original text, and it is for my products only. Say something like "Silver Lotto System founder Ken Silver says that..."

But whatever you do, start your hustle... do it now!

I've also just added 3 ways to send the Rebrandable Report, "Lottery Secrets" to your prospects.

This is one of the most powerful methods to promote the Silver Lotto System because it gives your visitor valuable free info on getting more from the lottery.

It's only 5 paragraphs.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver