Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Top 3 Lottery Winning Articles That Draw Traffic


Normally I wouldn't give out this information about my own articles, but as affiliates I think you'll benefit from this.

So, very quickly, I'm going to reveal the top 3 articles at Ezine Articles from the 74 I've written so far, and explain more about them so you can tailor your own articles to the success pattern.

Here they are, rated by viewing numbers:

16,560 views - How to Predict Winning Lottery Games in 30 Seconds

Some points to note about these articles:

1. Traffic is through organic SEO. None of my articles have had any help through backlinks etc, though the top article did receive a couple of thousand views after I promoted it briefly in a blog post. Traffic has been affected by the last Google slap but is slowly working its way back to average readership.

2. There's no predictability of viewer count with any keywords. In fact, the top-viewed article has less numbers of keywords than the third-viewed, yet the most viewed article has nearly three times the readership. My advice is to use keywords that describe winning the lottery, and localise them... select one game and concentrate all your articles around them as I did with the Canadian 649 above.

3. The 4th article (not shown of course) has less than half the views of the 3rd article. The 4th-viewed article also has a 5-star rating from viewers, against a 4-star rating for the top article. So Ezine Articles stars don't have much effect on readership.

4. Most of my articles - around 66 of the 74 - have less than 1,000 views each, even though the titles contain many of the keywords in the top 3 above, in particular "how to win." It seems while this keyword phrase is popular, it is not effective for getting or increasing traffic.

5. The length of the title appears to make little difference to views. Some of the <1,000 view counts also have long titles.

So, because there doesn't seem to be any logic to traffic counts and keywords -  do you continue to write articles with keyword emphasis in the body?

The answer is a definite YES. And it's even more important now to ignore the short term trends and gimmicks, and write quality articles that last.

Here's some tips:

#1. Ezine Articles ( are only accepting articles of a minimum of 400 words. I recommend going above that figure - even up to 1,000 words. There is a theory that Google is rewarding longer articles with high SEO prominence on the basis they are more useful than short ones. A high word count can imply a better quality article. The longterm advantage is that long articles can later be broken down to several smaller ones for inclusion in other article directories.

#2. Keep your titles keyword rich. I try and write longer titles for the additional keywords that may be picked up... there is a lot of serendipity going on from other areas of interest. For example, a general article could be sprinkled with "Powerball" keywords to get traffic for that game.

#3. Important - make your articles unique. This is probably the best advice you can have. While I often suggest partially rewriting my own articles for your own distribution, a better bet is to do a full rewrite where no phrase or sentence is the same. Google in particular has a sophisticated method of determining originality, and as far as we know, downgrading it in the SERPs.

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can I Pay You $243 Per Sale While You're Wondering How To Win The Lottery?


So you've bought a Silver Lotto System, and maybe a Custom Profile or even the PRO version to ramp up your winnings.

And you're off and running, playing your lottery game like a happy camper.

But you're smart... always looking for The Next Big Thing to boost some personal bucks.

Well, here's another fast way to make some cash with the Silver Lotto System.

So you can buy more lotto tickets, or even to spend on your family, a hobby or a vacation.

Just do these 3 simple steps - it will only take you a few minutes and costs you nothing:

#1. Sign up to the merchant giant here: You'll get a special ClickBank ID.
(Time to do: 2 minutes)

#2. Replace the "CLICKBANK_ID" words in this link exactly with your own one:  
(Time to do: 10 seconds)

#3. Put that link in a short email to just 5 people you know... family, friends, relatives, business acquaintances. Or if you're a big wheel on the net, you might have a mailing list. Send it to them all too. 
(Time to do: 3 minutes)

For every one who buys, you'll get $27 in your hot little hand!

That's $135 straight off for all 5 - in just a few minute's easy tinkering.

Here's an example of an email you could send them:


Hey (name),

Check out this cool lottery system. They say you can win 9 out of every 10 games.

It's $97 but I got it for only $39.95. 

If you're quick I think you'll get it at that price too:

Catch you later.

(Your name)


This bare bones strategy works like crazy.

And as I said in the subject line, you could even ramp up your effort to pull in over $243 per sale.

But first send out the email to 5 people you know.

It's legit - and it's money in the bank for you.

PS. One guy earned $10,000 in 4 days doing something similar to this with the Silver Lotto System. 

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Russell Simmons Says About Hustling, And The Rebranding Report For Lottery Affiliates.

I've just been reading about best-selling author and founder of Def Jam Recordings, Russell Simmons. His new book "Super Rich: A Guide To Having It All" offers some advice on success, but one element stood out for me. "Stay on your hustle," said Simmons.

He means don't quit, always keep moving, never give up.

He also recommends giving away your business products for free (that's the Rebrandable Report below).

Hustling is a perfect example of how an affiliate business should be run. I've often said before that most affiliates are not aggressive enough... they think prospects will be scared off if they email them once a week.

Well, I get emails from the big guys in the marketing business DAILY. Guys like Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss and Jeff Johnson clog my inbox up with their pithy and sometimes informative newsletters. And I send almost daily too to my list - been doing that for a decade or more. It's partly the reason I get between 300 and 600 new opt-in subscribers DAILY.

More is always better than less, because you never know whether one mailing will be blocked - yet another will get through to your prospects with a different set of trigger keywords.

Start by going to my Lotto Affiliate Center and sending out a newsletter from one of the prewritten texts there. Get more to write about by adapting my newsletter articles and send that to your list too. You have my permission - provided you credit me with the original text, and it is for my products only. Say something like "Silver Lotto System founder Ken Silver says that..."

But whatever you do, start your hustle... do it now!

I've also just added 3 ways to send the Rebrandable Report, "Lottery Secrets" to your prospects.

This is one of the most powerful methods to promote the Silver Lotto System because it gives your visitor valuable free info on getting more from the lottery.

It's only 5 paragraphs.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 Ways To Boost Your Lottery Affiliate Sales

Affiliates continue to make constant and growing incomes from selling the Silver Lotto System (35 commissionable products).

Here's a few success stories to get you going:

- The Silver Lotto System is currently 30,336 in ranking popularity at - improved from 34,000 last month. This is despite only having 33 inbound links. And I query this link figure because a week ago I searched for the term "What's stopping you from winning the lottery right now?" (in quotes) which is a heading in one of my prewritten sales letters. Google shows 3,530 results - all inbound links. Add to that the thousands of blog comments and posts, and this figure of 33 is pathetically low by anyone's standard.

- Affiliate sales are rising. A small group made $ 21,000 in commissions (this is the amount they received in their bank account) earlier this year. 

- Of that $ 21,000 commission, a single affiliate made over $ 10,000 in a 4 day period. I'm not going to reveal how they did it, but you can be assured there were no secret methods. It was a standard mail-out to a responsive audience. One of the beauties of the Silver Lotto System website is that it is current - I have July's winning tickets on display there now - and appealing with plenty of graphics and follow-up facts. 

- While I can't give away my detailed figures, the conversion rate for the Silver Lotto System is higher than most products of its type. It has been as high as 23% in one day, based on the several hundred opt-ins we get each day for my newsletter.

Here's some ideas on how to improve your own commissions:

#1. If you have a mailing list, use the prewritten sales letters at the Lotto Affiliate Center. They are proven to work and you don't have write a word yourself.

#2. Mail your list frequently using some of the testimonials at my main site: Testimonies are a powerful drawcard and you can easily use several for any time of the year. Also use these in a sidebar in your ezine so you can place them every issue. Remember - it takes many exposures to catch your audience because they may not always be receptive to you. They may get interrupted while reading, they may not believe the testimonials, they may have 'word-blindness' to certain ads. But with constant exposure you WILL catch them at a time when they are responsive. I resisted a flashing ad for several years until curiosity made me click on it yesterday. Can you imagine many of your readers resisting for that amount of time? They do. But persistence pays! 

#3. If you don't have a mailing list, write articles. There are several posts in my Silver Seller blog on how to do this, and one that shows most of the process is here:

Remember, to get top results as an affiliate you need to do massive...
- Volume
- Frequency.

Write and post a lot, and do it often. There is no secret formula other than spreading the word (with your affiliate link) as far afield as you can, as frequently as you can.

I have written daily newsletters for many years before the big boys in internet marketing started doing the same. Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss and others now put out daily emails, but a year or two back they did very little. If the masters of the art of selling follow my example, you should copy them too. It is the same as writing articles - you get an accumulated growth pattern with each one as the readership climbs over time.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver