Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Only 3-Step Lottery Affiliate Secret You'll Ever Need

What you are about to read is the basis for the upcoming Lotto Code. The manual will explain the process in more detail, but for now you can get started - and get a lot accomplished - right from the information I'm giving here and from a previous post.

If you have a little writing ability, a huge determination and the ability to scale up and work hard, the rewards from being a Silver Lotto System affiliate are enormous. 

And the process is super-easy. 

Just write. 

I earn about 40% of my multi-million dollar income simply by writing an article a day. I've done that for years, and that's where the success is... continuity and volume.

Volume is the main key. 

Just think - if I wrote 12x the amount I currently do each day, that would give me the Million-A-Month goal I'm aiming for in 2011. Since I write less than 20 minutes a day right now, the potential to scale up is huge. 

You can do the same. Just write more, and you will boost your affiliate in.come massively. All you need is determination and 3-6 month's worth of writing to start everything rolling.

You've already got the product you need to promote - my Silver Lotto System - so you don't need to check out any other kind of source. Sure, in other fields there are plasma TV's, mobile phones and expensive audio products that might give a higher affiliate payout. But the competition for these is enormous, and will take you years to break into those markets. They are only for highly skilled Super Affiliates with a big mailing list or massive advertising budget.

Most affiliate training courses and books go on about the product selection process, marketing trends and making sure the affiliate stays ahead of the game when one product or another falls out of fashion. In fact, if you've chosen a long-trend product like mine, there's no need to keep up with anything. 

My products have lasted for the past 20 years, sales are still growing and show no sign of easing up. The perfect product is my Silver Lotto System, and it ticks all the profit boxes in every way:

- low refunds
- universal in demand
- easy to use
- started 20 years ago
- it works
- still growing

Stick with what works.

So let's concentrate on the second part, the lifeblood of any business... visitors and traffic.

Getting visitor traffic my way requires some skills, but not much. All you need is a basic writing ability and to be able to follow a set plan. It takes some work - mental work mainly - and  if you are not a natural writer it can be boring at times. I enjoy it immensely, but then most writing is fun for me.

The concept is simple, and I revealed part of it in some detail a couple of posts back.

Each day, write 5 or more original 400-word articles on any subject, and put your cloaked affiliate link for the Silver Lotto System in the author's resource box. Then post your work to an article directory.

That's it. If you can do this regularly for 6 months, you will have the strong and permanent beginnings of an ever-growing affiliate in.come.

Where people come unstuck is trying to do too much at once in different areas. There are a huge number of ways to promote a product in the market place... blogs, websites, forums, online advertising, offline and more. And to do any of that effectively you're going to need WordPress knowledge, keyword research knowledge, e-mail marketing and writing skills, niche research, search engine optimization, web hosting with C-Panel, redirection, html... the list goes on and on. 

Forget it!

It will take you months or years to learn to a point where you make a living. And I can tell you after years of trial and error, there are many, many traffic methods like these that are a complete waste of time. 

Take for instance, black hat methods. Every single one of these dubious promotional tools will get you into trouble. The problem is, no one ever tells you that. And you're left wondering why you are constantly losing the battle. 

Even moderately effective programs like SENuke don't work for the majority of people. Just take a look at their public forum and you'll see that only a tiny fraction of the people who use that program are getting any sort of results. 

And every day they risk losing all the hard work they've put in when their strategy is discovered and sandbagged. 

I'm also a member of a Black Hat website, just for the experience and to see what to avoid. Day after day the forum posts reveal one strategy after another failing - being combated by the search engines. A BH'er can be wildly successful for a short time (and getting shorter), then all their hard work goes down the drain. 

That's not a basis for a sustainable business. And the opportunity loss is massive... you can be blacklisted and never know how to get back.

You can shortcut all that and just concentrate on one hugely productive method - article writing for directories. 

An article gets archived and lasts forever. It gives valuable information that can be used by others, and the concept has never been slapped by Google. I won't even bother listing the advantages of article marketing over any other form of marketing or promotion... the fact remains it is an initially slow but eventually extremely lucrative way to get visitors to your affiliate link. Coincidentally - just how Google likes it!

Do just 3 easy steps:

#1. Write 5 articles on any subject, 400 words in length.
#2. Add your cloaked affiliate link at the bottom.
#3. Send the articles to Ezine Articles.

Rinse and repeat.

What's the barrier? For most people it is the writing. if you are not a natural writer, you'll find this hard. But it takes very little practice to increase your skills to a point where you can write effectively and with speed. That's true... it will take not more than a few weeks for you to get into the swing of things, and you'll be on your way.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver