Saturday, November 20, 2010

ClickBank Affiliate Link Answers, And A Successful Affiliate Sales Figure

I want to talk today about your ClickBank affiliate link, and how some issues can affect your sales.

First I want to tell you about a scenario that many affiliates can encounter from time to time. It's sometimes common to find affiliate 'experts' who freely talk about getting ripped off by the product vendor. These guys will say commission is not given to the affiliate because it is being illegally redirected or concealed by the vendor. 

That kind of deliberate cheating doesn't happen here at all. We don't use any form of redirects, cloaking scripts or frames which may cause ClickBank to lose track of their affiliate ID. I want to make that quite plain.

In case you get confused about exactly what you can get commission on, there's 35 Silver Lotto System products that are commissionable. But some are not. I'm talking about the Lotto-80 membership site which at the moment doesn't provide a commission. 

The reason is that the process for a membership site is complicated to set up and administer. For example, I give an extra month gratis to every renewal, and that has to be done manually. With the number of vendors we get signing up daily, that is quite a job. And unfortunately because I have ultra tight security issues, I'm not able to outsource this task.

You can easily see which products attract the commission at the Lotto Affiliate Center. Remember that you can always check this information at the Lotto Affiliate Center as part of my transparent affiliate business practices.

On another issue concerning affiliate links, it seems Google has been recently downgrading websites that have a ClickBank affiliate link going to the order page. They are discovering them by looking for the unique hoplink that ClickBank provides in every affiliate URL.

In some cases a ClickBank hoplink website with high page ranking of #1 - #3 has been downgraded to position #30 or more. Looks like Google is promoting their own cause by downplaying affiliate websites and dropping them out of SE sight to favor their own advertising.

So it's important that you check your affiliate link and make sure it is cloaked or protected in some way. At the Lotto Affiliate Center I show you how to protect it using, and that's a good first step. There are many other methods to protect your affiliate link. If you're an expert in HTML or php you could write your own code. also shows ways you can protect your link, but again they are for advanced users.

Use and you'll be protected for most problems. Don't forget to check your affiliate links periodically to see that you're still receiving commission. You see how to do that test at the Lotto Affiliate Center too.

And congratulations to an active affiliate who has just made themselves over $7000 in a the last couple of days. While I can't reveal the exact methods the affiliate used, it's important to realize that scaling up is the solution to bigger commissions. If you find that one thing you do works well, concentrate on expanding that method as fast and as far as you can. Volume is the answer!

I try to do my part each day in aggressively increasing conversions and time-sensitive offers, and reducing refunds. In each of these fields we are improving... sometimes dramatically in the case of bringing our refund rate way down in recent weeks.

As always, I want to help you ramp up your sales as fast as you can, so feel free to contact me at the email address in the Silver Seller newsletter with your questions.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver