Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Many $$$ Thousands Did You Make In August?

August is only a few hours away from being replaced by September, and it's been one of the most successful monthly sales periods we've had over the last four months.

One of our affiliates made over $10,000 in less than five days, and several others made up to $4,200 a day.

So what's the secret to their success?

Let me explain by saying that selling a lottery system online has a few more barriers than other products.

For example, Google won't allow you to advertise through PPC... Adwords, Adsense etc.

That's no great problem anyway... these methods are capital intensive, expensive to run, and only in exceptional cases do they provide a real return on investment.

It's been proven over the years that the best form of promoting any product on the net is viral and organic.

Whether that means through a mailing list, forum comments or blog posts... organic (free growing) promotion is best.

Mailing lists are very effective. If you have a list of several thousand opt-in subscribers and you are an authority on your topic, promoting another product to them can be very profitable.

Now the interesting thing is that you don't need a lottery based mailing list. As long as you have that following, your subscribers will quickly buy what you recommend.

Another method is article writing. I mention fatloss4idiots.com a lot because their operation succeeded at the rate of $21 million in 2009... through many affiliates writing on unrelated topics.

As you've probably guessed, fat loss and weight loss are saturated markets. 

So fatloss4idiots.com have discovered that by having affiliates publish topics that are unrelated - but still appeal to the target market demographic of woman aged 30 and above - they can do much better than the competition.

In a real sense we are very similar... we both have markets that need to be reached through alternative methods.

You can read about their promotional methods to adapt their ideas here:

Then go to the Lotto Affiliate Center and read the section on writing articles, and get started! 

Some more good news...

I just had a look at the Silver Lotto website position at alexa.com, and we're now down to just over 91,600 ranking position - from 187,000 a few months ago.

It's getting closer to my target of 10,000 by the end of the year, and I'm delighted.

As you probably know, the lower the Alexa rank number, the more traffic we are getting... and the more sales you make.

To that end I'm also doing a number of things to increase conversion rates. For example, the exit pop-up on the order page is now tripling our sales rate.

And there's more coming.

Just make sure you're sharing our success by using the info at http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Top Lottery Affiliates Sucked In These Profits Last Week

Hope the start of this week is going well for you.

OK, enough of the pleasantries... you really want to know what your potential for profit could be - if you sold my products.

So I've plucked a couple of the best day's sales from our top affiliates from the last week for you. These figures show that a single affiliate (Silver Seller) took home this amount in his or her pocket for that DAY:

- Monday August 16 - US$4,200.00
- Wednesday August 18 - US$2,400.00
- Sunday August 22 - US$2,250.00

In-between days weren't too bad either!

And don't forget a single affiliate made over US$10,000.00 in 5 days too, a couple weeks back.

How did these guys make so much in such a short time?

Part of their success will be explained in my upcoming Lotto Code manual. It's still a couple of weeks away, because the main problem is reducing the amount of information to a level where anyone can absorb it and put it into action straight away. 

After all, we're gunning for a million-a-year for you, so the solution has got to be easy to implement. 

Of course, it will involve my secret weapon - RFA... Relentless Focused Action... along with a remarkably simple checklist action plan.

So while you're waiting for me, buy your own website from www.freelottobook.com (you'll get a discount off my manual if you own one).

And stay tuned!

Remember, I make constant improvements to our affiliate site, so take a look: http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

Monday, August 16, 2010

August Update News, And Your Affiliate Questions Answered

A quick heads-up on some question you've been asking. But first, two things of interest...

Right now I'm watching my ClickBank sales counter tick upwards - almost like the second hand of a clock - for several of my affiliates who are promoting my products at the moment. And one has received almost $3,000 'in pocket' commission - in just a few hours.

Congratulations... that sure beats working!

And a pat on the back for those of you who are building traffic for the Silver Lotto System site. In just a few short weeks we've gone from around 187,000 global ranking in Alexa.com to 107,728 today. Our USA rank is just under 75,000. 

We're now in the top percentage of several billion websites! This rapid climb in ranking is good news because it means more eyes on our website, and ultimately more sales and commission for you because of the increased exposure.

My aim is to get ranked under 10,000 global by the end of the year, and when that happens there will be a lot of very successful affiliates - maybe including you. Stay with us for the ride!

Now to your questions:

Q: Ken, what's the story on the Silver Lotto System order page exit popup?

A: I introduced that about a month ago as a test. This secret weapon is triggered to react when the order page sale is lost and the prospect clicks away or tries to close the page. So far, the results has been amazing... between 25% and 50% and more of all lost sales have been recovered through this method. 

At the moment the motivating appeal is a lower price for the Silver Lotto System, but I'll be soon testing the full price in installments as an alternative. So don't be discouraged at a slightly lower payout right now... it's actually 'found money' that you wouldn't have normally received, and you are likely to make that up on the other commissionable products the purchaser can buy from your cookie. The exit popup will certainly be a big part of any promotion I do from now on.

Q: Ken, I notice you don't give a commission for Lotto-80 when the prospect clicks on the exit popup "No Thanks" link. Will you be giving one soon?

A: At the moment the Lotto-80 product doesn't carry a commission because at $7.80 a month the price is too low for anyone to make a decent profit. However, I'll shortly be testing $19 a month recurring, and that will be a ClickBank continuity too. Right now it's a delicate balance between price and appeal, and I have some testing still to finish before that happens.

Q: Ken, I see a post in the Silver Sellers blog for the Lotto Code - what's this about?

A: The Lotto Code is my exciting upcoming manual that covers the complete method for dedicated affiliates to earn up to $1 million a year in commissions from Silver Lotto products. When I say "dedicated" that means you are going to have to put some hours in... but if you follow my instructions there is every chance you can succeed. It's the same system that I use right now, but on a larger scale for maximum effectiveness. I expect to finish the Lotto Code by the end of the month.

Q: Ken, you charge for some of your affiliate tools when some other product owners don't. Why is that?

A: I believe in a commitment cost. It's the higher value people give to something they've paid for versus something that's been given free. Most people will give more commitment to something they have paid for. A lot of my tools are both free and valuable, but I put a fair price on the ones that make the most difference. In a practical sense, some tools like the websites have ongoing costs which still need to be paid for - even when the affiliate doesn't put any work in. I don't like carrying losses!

Q: Anything new happening at the Lotto Affiliate Center?

A: Yes, I'm constantly adding more on this site to improve your commission hit rate. The latest addition is a new version of the Lotto Mini-Website. If you're just starting out you should buy one of these sites - it's the perfect way to direct traffic from your forum posts, blog comments and mailing lists. The new design seems to be getting more traffic and increasing sales overall. 

Get it here: www.freelottobook.com.

And finally, this post and my newsletter gives you an insight into my marketing ideas and strategies that I don't release anywhere else. The rest is up to you now... do you want to just keep reading these articles and news snippets without taking any action... or do you want to join us and start making big sales? 

First step, buy here: www.freelottobook.com

Second step, visit the Lotto Affiliate Center and start on a 3-star section. It's easier than you think: http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com.

Happy Selling!
Ken Silver

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Lotto Code Is Coming!

Are you subscribed to the Silver Sellers newsletter? Keep an eye out for the announcement of my Lotto Code: http://www.lottocode.com

Monday, August 9, 2010

$10,000.00 In 5 Days!

In 5 days during the last week, a top-selling Silver Seller (affiliate) has made almost $10,000 from sales of the Silver Lotto System.

That's in his pocket - to spend on a vacation, buy a second car, a jetski, hire a jet or helicopter for 5 hours.

There's a lot you could spend 10 grand on.

Now, that's what most people receive working for wages for a grueling 8 hours a day over a long 4 months.

And yet this sales record was achieved with just a few hours of writing.

I'm not going to reveal how it was done - I keep all my affiliate sales methods confidential to protect their interests - but you can bet he did it using some of the methods outlined at the Lotto Affiliate Center.

But I will reveal this...

We can all achieve the same - except... we seriously underestimate ourselves most of the time.

We give up too soon, too early, and for too little.

Sometimes we need to see spectacular results like this to stretch our boundaries.

Now, I have my own goals to share with you, and they are not small.

Many of them are practical... quality improvement and customer satisfaction goals.

But there is a single, overrriding quest that motivates me...

Simply this: sales of a Million Dollars a Month.

It's a factor increase on our current sales of just 12 times.

And it's entirely possible.

Not only do we have a desperate worldwide audience for achieving it, but there are similarly-priced products to the Silver Lotto System out there that do it already.

Mike Geary from truthaboutabs.com appears to be on track for $10 million this year.

And of course the all-time great - fatloss4idiots.com - did $21 million last year.

And these guys don't even have a large back-end like the Silver Lotto System!

Before you go running off to change horses, consider this - these two other products are swamped niches... they have a handful of powerful affiliates who took time and skill to reach their targets, and it will be difficult to squeeze in against such fierce competition.

That's why my Silver Lotto System is perfect for you, today.

It is a quiet underachiever, ready to go global in a big way.

And it has has a solid history of success you can build on. No pie-in-the-sky stuff that is impossible to sell.


And this year I have expanded a number of strategies to get my system selling even more strongly.

(There's more to come too, but that's news for another newsletter).

The point is, at a $million-a-month, my top selling affiliates - you! - will earn $750,000 a month when we reach our goals.

That amount is worth spending some serious time on, isn't it?

Over the next few newsletters I'm going to be outlining ways you can do this, but first I want to introduce the most important factor to get you started right now.

It's taking on board a winning concept of just 3 words.

I use it, and it has brought me ahead of many others in my quest for increased sales.

In fact, these words are so important that I have even registered them as a domain name for the concept.

The concept, a motivational statement, is not original, nor pretty - it's even a bit draconian... but it is what I use, and what we need to succeed.

We need to take:

This is the command we'll use to succeed in the next 12-24 months and reach the Million-A-Month goal.

Let's separate the words out...


We must be Relentless in our pursuit of the goal:
- Forget watching tv... use that couple of hours a day to email more contacts, write more articles.
- Do you have a social lunch? Not any more. You need that hour each day to email prospects while you eat.
- Running out of time? Get up a couple of hours earlier and use that quiet time to become most productive.

We must be Focused. Two important questions you should ask yourself:
1. Is what I'm doing right now helping me achieve my goal?
2. Is what I'm doing right now the highest and best use of my time to achieve my goal?

And finally:

Take Action.
- Stop eternally planning, and DO the things that matter now.
- Forget striving for perfection... you will never achieve it. Take action on what you have around you right now, and build on it.
- Take mistakes on the chin and use your failures to spur you on to better results. Learn quickly from failure... and take action to improve faster.

Look, it's absolutely essential you use all three words in the command.

Each one is necessary to support the other.


What's your first step?

Here's a surprise...

Don't set a monetary goal. That won't help right now. (However you'll be setting it a little further on).

Right now you need to get down to the basics.

The first step is to visit the Lotto Affiliate Center and choose the best method for your strategy.

You'll be looking for the 3-star sections there and choosing one that appeals to you.

It has got to appeal, because if it's hard going you won't be inclined to follow through.

Choose your section and start work on it right now.

It's a win-win deal!

And don't forget:


Happy Selling!
Ken Silver