Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Commission Change News

I've finally done it.

After thinking, testing and researching for weeks, a few minutes ago I made a major change in your affiliate commission rate.

Before you wonder whether it's gone up or down, let me tell you why I'm doing it.

A short while back I discovered the top 10 ClickBank affiliate products all have this same commission rate.

And they are among the highest earning sites around. One of them made $21 Million last year.

But I don't necessarily follow trends blindly without figuring out for myself if it's worthwhile.

So I looked for more evidence that the new proposed rate would actually benefit both the product owner AND the affiliate.

To my surprise I found it would. In a big way.

Let me reveal the change for you now:

I've raised the ClickBank commission rate for the Silver Lotto System from 60%... to the maximum LIMIT allowed of 75%.

That means you now get three-quarters of every sale for the main product. That's approximately $60 per sale to you for one of my top products.

This higher amount will be a huge incentive to you.

Because - like the butterfly in New York that causes a hurricane in Miami (or some such theory) - this rise will attract more eager affiliates. And that might make some heavy competition for you.

Or maybe not... let's face it, the target market for my product is absolutely MASSIVE. And I believe it is limitless.

In following newsletters I'm going to give some tips on how to get more of your share of this massive market.

Here's one that you can use right now:

#TIP: If you've seen our newly revamped Lotto Affiliate Center (http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com), you'll know that I now have a rebrandable 'Lotto Secrets' Report.

This is a free report of just 13 pages that you can rebrand with your affiliate ID instantly with just one click.

That's right - it's instant. After you click, the Report pops up in a window ready to be saved to your hard drive.

So here's what you do...

Give it away.

- If you have an email list, attach the Report and send it to them. GetResponse (my favorite autoresponder) allows you to do this with ease. You don't need to say anything more than "Hey, you'll like this!" in an accompanying email. And then let the embedded affiliate links do their work when your readers open it.

- If you have a blog, download the Report to your website, and put the affiliate link in your post.

- If you own a website, show the Report in a prominent spot. In the next few days I'll be putting up a sample banner at the Lotto Affiliate Center for you to do this.

- If you have friends in business, offer to give it away to them as a promo for their lists or websites.

- Use it as an incentive to a landing page or squeeze page in any niche... doesn't have to be lottery related. Someone trying to lose weight still has a wishlist outside the fridge!

This move to 75% is BIG for me. I've grown up on the old retail methods where the reseller (that's you) got 33% and it was a lot of share even back then.

Now competition and the new ways of making money on the net have overtaken the old school way.

And I embrace it. Because the more you give away, the more you get back. I'm operating this move from a mindset of abundance and so we'll all benefit.

And best of all - this follows my strategy for 2010 and beyond... to make my product the best-seller on the world market asap... and to give as much as I can back to my affiliate team. We've got a world-class product with low returns and a nearly 20-year history of success.

So it's time to profit - so profit hard!

Get over to the Lotto Affiliate Center at http://www.lottoaffiliatecenter.com and get your Report started.

PS. You'll notice that at the Lotto Affiliate Center I had a Super Affiliate upgrade from 60% to 75% for over 100 sales a month. This has been withdrawn obviously, but shortly I'll replace it another incentive that's even better!

Stay close to this blog.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver