Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Truth Behind Overnight Success

I've just been reading about author Amanda Hocking, who is making $250,000 a month from a collection of novels she sells through Amazon Kindle.

Most of her books sell for under two dollars each. Last month she sold 450,000 copies which brought her in half a million dollars for the month.

Nice work if you can get it! So I spent a couple of minutes looking into her background. It's no surprise to find that she's been writing for over 20 years and has another dozen books in the pipeline.

What this tells us is that she works hard, and she spent a lot of time apprenticing before she hit the big time.

In other words, it was no overnight success.

This is how you should approach your own affiliate project. At the start of your lotto affiliateship you'll spend a lot of time pounding out articles. You'll need to do 5 to 10 a day.

It seems a lot, but as you add them to your ever-growing list of finished work, they'll start to attract readers. And if you've written useful articles that help people, your readership will grow.

Another point - it's far easier to write a number of 5 minute articles than to spend three months full-time finishing a novel. An article is something you can fit in a few spare minutes of your day, and you can write it on anything... your laptop, iPad, or at a pinch, your iPhone.

And along with increasing readership from your articles, comes increased sales.

I believe articles are the ultimate marketing tool. Start today by looking back at the posts on my Silver Seller blog at and get building your own article empire.

It won't happen overnight, but it WILL happen!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver